Carolina Junior Cotillions – est. 1981


Well-Rounded and Life-Ready

Sharing. Always saying “please” and “thank you.” Respecting ourselves, our peers and our elders.

Why is it so often that what we learn in kindergarten tends to get lost so soon after? As we grow up, the social dynamics around us become ever more complex . . . and more difficult to navigate.

At Carolina Junior Cotillions, everything we teach — on the dance floor and in the dining room — helps students learn how to conduct themselves with confidence and poise. Our students “get it”; they gain an  appreciation for how their words and actions impact their own success in social settings. And words like “courtesy” and “respect” take on a whole new meaning to them.

Best of all, our students enjoy the process. We skip the lectures on social skill building and, instead make it part of our everyday interactions with every participant. The end result is kids who feel better about themselves, about others and about the world around them.


Always Perfectly in Step

At the very heart of Carolina Junior Cotillions are the dance programs that have a special rhythm all their own.

We don’t believe in stuffy pretenses. We believe students learn best in a fun, dynamic environment which our ballroom and social dancing programs provide. Students gain proficiency in traditional dances (including the shag, cha-cha, waltz and more) and unwind with fun line dances (including the cupid shuffle, stomp, uptown funk and more).

To keep our programs fresh and introduce students to different styles, we mix it up.  Seven themed classes are offered from October through February and include casual, semi-casual, and semi-formal events.


  • manners in motion